Tuesday, July 16, 2013

we started at the end

i am done trying so freaking hard for you, when you wont even do them for me. and sometimes i wonder to myself, what do i mean to you? cause even after all this time i have no flipping idea and it'd be nice to finally know your worth to someone.

Monday, July 08, 2013

all heart.

the past week has been pretty eventful but i'll go into that at another time. i think we clarified a few things today, and im here to reiterate my point; please trust what i said because i meant them. you may not believe them for whatever reasons but i assure you, i have not been as honest about them as i have been to you today.

i've been doing a bit of thinking (not overthinking for that creates monsters/demons in your head) and i came to a conclusion that i do believe in the concept of best friends but its important to have it be reciprocated, maybe its because i've found someone that means that much to me. but how do you tell or ask that of someone when such a believe is a rarity nowadays? they've made you better, and the trust and faith you have in them is more than anyone else you've met, that you'd do anything and be everything for them just to see a smile on their face, and that you love them but not in the romantic kind of way. then again, i never really believed in that concept till recently, despite a few people telling me that i am one to them. its very flattering and im honoured but i think it should be a two way thing so i never really thought much about it, but avoid using the term loosely as well. afterall, i've never been good with words so i have to choose mine carefully.

"im not in love with you, but i love you"

platonic relationships are severely underrated, and romantic love overrated.